Thursday, November 01, 2007

Enough Already!!!

Can the NFL calm the fuck down about this Colts/Pats game? Fucking christ, you can't turn on the fucking tv without some dude "marveling" about how "is this the biggest most important game ever?!??!?"

Um, no. It's not. Not when the same two teams are gonna meet again in two months during, you know, THE PLAYOFFS. When it really IS do or die time. This game is not this generation's JFK in Dallas moment. I'm reminded of the Cowboys' Duane Thomas after the 1971 Super Bowl musing why they called it "the ultimate game" if they were gonna play it again the next year. The NFL has made about $10 million since I started typing this, but this over-hype machine seems pathetic, much like the league desperately trying to make itself "global." Refuckinglax!! We act like we're giving Europe the key to the universe with our football. You people know how I feel about soccer, so I don't ask Europeans to accept my football in return. Christ. It's a regular season game! Yes, between two great teams, but calm the fuck down already. Arrrghh.

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