Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Intelligent Design? Mights Not.

Something I did learn last night about Intelligent Design is that different species throughout time apparently just “poofed” into existence. Primates all of a sudden appeared, then later on fish, etc etc. But if God (thinly disguised here as “The Intelligent Agent”) is the all-knowing and almighty, wouldn’t he have created all species all at once? Hell, even according to the Bible-thumpers, he knocked everything out in only 6 days. Are we to believe God’s sitting back admiring what he’s created, thinking “oooooh, yeah, pretty effing sweet….lookit all that…man am I – hold up…where are the cats? Don’t tell me I forgot to create cats?!?!?!? Aw, humandammit!!!!! I’m such an IDIOT!!!” Makes no sense to me. Any other way you'd have to chalk up to at least a variation of natural selection/evolution, no?

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