Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Xmastime on the Phone with His Sister

Those who know me know my standard adios: "peace and chicken grease." which got me in trouble last night as I was signing off with Sister Xmastime:

XMASTIME: “aight playa, later…peace and chicken grease.”
XMAS SISTER: “you mean turkey grease!”
“ah yes…tis the season. Peace and turkey grease.”
“poor turkey, though”
“I mean that we hafta kill them to eat them”
“so sad”
“that they’re….dead before we eat them…?”
“poor turkeys!”
“yeah. Hmm”
“course, fuck them, I’m 30 and divorced.”
“with cancer.”
“that’s right!”
“so fuck the turkeys”
“well, I wouldn’t say that. It’s still sad.”
“so I hear.”
“peace and turkey grease!”
“peace and (Xmastime feigns going into a tunnel)”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I think Xmastime sister should really be called sistatime.
