Thursday, December 20, 2007

Curt Spilling

So Curt Shilling, maybe my #1 least favorite athlete in the world, has posted a blathering blather blathfest on his blog (which I will NOT link to, fuck him)decreeing that now Clemens should have all his records since 1997 expunged and his Cy Youngs taken away. I guess Curt thinks he might finally get one himself if there's a few floating around out there in some yard sales. Tough talk from Curt here. Tough demands! Good for him! For the kids!

Hey Curt, you know who has no interest in doing anything to Roger? George Mitchell. You know who else has ZERO interest in even slapping Roger on the wrist here? Major League Baseball. Another interesting part of this whole charade that makes me leary.

"Here's a list of players that have completely destroyed the integrity of our precious national pastime! These players are forcing 6 year olds to pump roids into themselves until their hearts explode! Here's all their names!!"

"Wow! Hey, what should we do with these guys? Firing squad? Bamboo shoots under the nails?"

"Oh, nothing. We're just throwing their names out there. Don't even give them a second thought!"

If baseball isn't gonna take it seriously, why should I? And, as I said below, all this slander is pretty much based on the "testimony" of a guy desperate to stay outta prison and another guy who may or may not have raped a girl in a pool. Yet Shilling has ruled!!! What a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up and get your fat ass in shape so you can get that million dollar bonus next year for getting a single Cy Young know, one more vote than a fucking olive loaf will get.

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