Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Non-Help Answer

I'll tell you what drives me fucking bananas: absolutely non-helping answers to questions. For instance, yesterday I was at the Museum of Natural History with my two godsons and one of my godsons dm. We're looking at some animal exhibits and we start to wnder if they're real and stuffed, or fabricated. I would normally assume real, since it's a museum, but some of them looked kinda fake. So we wanted to make sure and asked someone who worked there. To whit: "Yeah, they're either real or fake." End of answer. Thanks a fucking lot Steve Irwin.

But the King of the No-Help answer has gotta be my buddy Rrthur (yes ladies. THAT Rrthur.) He will drive you fucking crazy. Say for instance I'll call "hey, where's the _____ dvd?" To which there are three acceptable answers:

1) "Sorry, I have no idea."
2) "Oh, its (give exact location)"
3) "Not sure, but I think it may be (give specific area to look)

But no. What does one get from Rrthur in a situation as this? "Hmm. You know what, you should look around for it." (my head exploding)

Really? Thanks buddy! Look around for it, that's it? Thank god; I was gonna stand in the fucking kitchen tapping my nuts with a spoon until someone walked into the room with the dvd. Thanks! FuuuuuuuuuuucckkK!!!!!!!! Drives me fucking insane. The Non-help Answer: nangluance with a voice.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    it's good to be the king ...
