Monday, December 03, 2007

Ready Teddy

Am I the only person who until now had no idea that it wasn't even the teacher that called that teddy bear "Muhammed", it was her students? 20 out of 23 kids voted for the name. Which, apparently, is one of the most popular names in the Sudan. How come it's not an offense to name your kid after the prophet? Isn't that insulting; "the 7lbs of flesh I just shit out of myself is worthy of being named Muhammed"? Shouldn't these parents be getting the lash?

These people went batshit about a teddy bear's name. Isn't this just one more indication that hey, maybe we don't understand these people and should stop pretending we do?

Teddy regretted getting his paws caught in the honey pot til he remembered the 72 virgins awaiting him....

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