Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Danny, Bruce, Me

Unlike most Bruce enthusiasts, I've never cared for the first two records. Long-winded spasms of rhyming words just for its own sake, 9-minute wanderings, etc etc. Too much "West Side Story" meets the circus on EVERY song for my tastes. Rosalita, while a ritual for most concergoers is a piss-break for me. There are some cuts I like, but my Bruce love affair doesn't really begin til the piano to Backstreets comes rolling in like tip-toeing thunder. And while I mourn the loss of The Phantom, I've never cared for that keyboard style - anything other than a drone is always too picky-dicky for me. But walking home just now for some reason the warm sun hit me in just a way to make me think of The Phantom, made me think of those early sounds and how much a part of it he was. The sun plus these thoughts, I swear I was licking my lips for salt water spray. For some reason I thought to myself "boy, Incident on 57th Street would really hit the spot right now." And I'm listening right now, and I was right.

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