Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ignominy? Complete!

Last Friday I was at the Nest. Late night. and for some reason some smoking hot 6 foot 23 year-old plucked me outta the crowd, sat down next to me and was mine for the taking. I'm yammering and she's fascinated. I know she's into me. But of course after 10 minutes does our hero say "let's go fuck?" Nyet. I of course blather on and on about every possible thing under the sun. Sharks, venetian blinds, why the roads have soft shoulders in Mississippi. Jesus Christ. Finally she left to go to another table, and my having snatched defeat from the jaws of victory was complete.

Next day, RRTHUR (YES ladies, THAT RRTHUR) calls me up and rides me, what an idiot I am, of course making sure he lets me know how hot she was etc etc. Spent all day kicking myself bout what an idiot I was, I blew it etc. Of course, it got better the next day when my friend Helen, who was also with us at the Nest, mentions that on top of everything else my girl had said she was from Jersey City, the last train had left and she had no place to stay for the night. I have no words. Thank god there's always Costanza.

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