Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Time.

Unless he does it at the Convention, I think today is Al Gore's last chance for a dramatic entrance into the race, with a script borrowed from a CERTAIN little sports movie we all know and love:

(Gore walks into MSNBC Headquarters)

GORE: I got something to say
RUSSERT: Well Al...I reckon you outta say it then
GORE: I don't know if it'll make any change, but I figure it's time for me to start running for President

(wild applause, Russert falls off stool, howling with excitement)

GORE: One other thing ... I run, Tim runs with me. Tim stays, I go away.
RUSSERT: Really Al? You mean it, you and me running together?!?!?!?!
GORE: I'm just kidding, GIT your fat ass outta here. And American voters, this much I promise...(dramatic, slow closeup to face, preeeeeeegnant pause...)...I'll make it. Vote Gore.

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