Saturday, April 19, 2008

I've Lived Too Long

I'm mildly fascinated with something I just read. Apparently at Bonnaroo this year there will be sign-language interpreters at every stage for the hearing impaired. Really?'ll be going to a concert that you can't hear in the first place. Then instead of at least watching the band, you'll be staring at some dude signing. Interesting. Dr. Xmas' diagnosis: you have to much disposable income (and might be an asshole.) "Hey, where can I spend $200 to stand in a museum with my eyes closed, please?"

Also, the article says they expect the audience at any given time to be about 10% deaf. This seem high to anybody else? Has there ever been a place you arrived at and thought "you know, I bet about 10% of these people are deaf"? Expecially, dare I say, at an event that is based on, you know...sound?

Truth really is the funniest thing going, I'm telling you.

On the other hand, with some of the shit bands out there I'm sure someone else interpreting their lyrics can only help.


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  3. how thoughtful. but why not just have the closed caption under the huge screens?

    i heard that special seating will be reserved for the blind. Behind the stage and up on the 3rd or 4th level. not sure.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    10% of the the folks will be deaf, eh? I guess if you include some of the folks on stage that sounds about right...
