Sunday, April 06, 2008

Oh, I Fucking Give Up

Flipping through the guide during a break in the game, I see that VH1 right now has a show on called Young, Rich and Out of Countrol. "Wild behavior of young celebrities."


For fuck's sake, you can't close your eyes and punch in a number and not land on a fucking show about Paris/Lindsey/Britney et al. Every newspaper is stuffed to the fucking gills with page after page of juicy pictures and details of every lap dance Ashley Simpson gives that dipshit boyfriend of hers; are we really starved for extra shit about these people? Not to even mention InTouchUSWeeklywhatever theothersarecalled. Who's the wizard at VH1 that said "you know what, we owe it to her fans to finally give a glimpse of what's going on in Kim Kardashian's life"? What the fuck. Hey, how bout a show called "Young, Normal and Don't Completely Fucking Suck"? aaaaarrrggghhh!!!!

Side note: props to the kid at Yankee Stadium they just showed in the stands who has a huge winter coat on, but thought to put his Yankees jersey over top of it.

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