Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A little while ago I realized Ratatouille is on tv, and quickly flipped to it. "Oooooh," I thought, "I'll tivo it so Short Bus can watch it when he's done napping, he'll love it!" But then I noticed I had missed the first 7 minutes, which made me cuss and fuss and stomp around DAMMIT! Blew it!!! Course then I realized there's still 118 minutes left. So. I think that's more than Short Bus will ever see anyway. And he'll have no idea what's going on anyways, it's not like he's gonna start bitching "WAIT wait wait, who is this guy? How's he tied into the plot? DAMMIT I wish we hadn't missed the exposition-outlining beginning!! I have NO idea what the fuck's going on!!!"

My probably brilliant movie review here.

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