Thursday, April 17, 2008

You Gotta Be Kidding Me (as per usual)

All week during Mike and the Mad Dog the YES Network has been playing their latest anti-smoking commercial over and over; today's Thursday and I've seen it maybe 16,000 times already. This one features a women whose lifelong addiction to smoking has cost her twenty amputations. 20!!!! So the commercial starts, and for some reason I find myself kinda paying attention this time. Which is funny, cause anything you can get from smoking is the one thing my 874 year-old body doesn't hafta worry about. So she's talking, yada yada, and as she's talking pictures of her hands and feet minus the amputated fingers and toes float in and out of the screen, along with hospital computer images of how the smoking did it, etc etc. That's rough, I thought. Then, all of a sudden, floating along the screen we see...a jagged, rust-covered jigsaw. What? Excuse me? Did she have her operations at the Battle of Gettysburg? Is this supposed to scare us into not smoking, knowing that for any amputation they'll pull out a JIGSAW to cut you while you take a shot of whiskey and chew on stick? Really? And I love that the saw isn't jolting enough, somebody actually thought "you know what, we should cover it in rust." Just like any instrument in a hospital would be, I suppose. Awesome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i am glad you threw in the part about the rusty jigsaw. they really can't emphasis quitting enough. fingers and toes. i guess, she could adapt to life without dexerity or balance, but what a nightmare. She could actually light up and smoke without taking it out of her mouth. I have a client here who does that, every hour (and he has hands). Sucks it down to the butt. i have to make him burp before he comes in or he will belch up the rancid smoke later on. Anyway, as for your knobby woman, i hope to God that she remains smoke free, and can find happiness without smoking, as the next thing to go would be her lower jaw. saddest thing in the world, throat cancer. you wind up with an electronic voice box, which is a curious thing to hear from on the other side of the booth. Very very sad this whole addiction thing. I need a drink. not really. good night. rusty jigsaw...funny.

  3. not really but it's a little comic relief from that dear woman's misery. At least she was spared her arms and legs. prosthetic fingers could work. i gotta get outta here.
