Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You're Shitting Me

Last night my buddy Op from the UG pointed out to me that Hillary Clinton's father played football at Penn State. WHAT??!!! How the FUCK has she not trumpeted this from Day 1? She shoulda worn nothing but Nittany Lion gear, and Joe Paterno shoulda been stumping this whole time. She shoulda let herself be put in the big Nittany Lion mascot suit and shot out of a cannon before the Notre Dame game. And again after every first down. Shoulda mentioned it 50 times every time she was on tv. I'm sorry, but if you don't understand how much football means to Pennsylvania after your father played at PSU, you might not deserve to be president. To say nothing of the fact that whichever staffer woulda been in charge of such a thing should be fired immediately. Yeah she won, but she coulda won bigger (and needed to.) Unreal. How can a campaign running for president not be smart enough to capitalize on this? Fucking christ.

1 comment:

  1. from what I've read, I don't think hill was huge fan of daddy and visa versa, but that's all just hearsay, idn't?
