Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't Fuck with American Idol!!!

I agree with this broad here on a few things; such as the two Davids both need to be shot and disposed with never to be seen again. And ps - if they go around calling themselves "The Two Davids", or "My Two Davids" or "David Loves Blowing David" I'm really gonna go apeshit. But they should be sent home, Idol should say you know what this season was a disaster, everybody sucked.

But I don't like hearing the rumblings re: how it will be "re-vamped" for next year. First of all, there should be a Ryan Seacrest/Vamp joke here but I have a life to lead, people. But the fact is, this show needs to be de-vamped, or un-vamped, whichfuckingever. Shit needs to go back to dude/dudette standing onstage, all alone, singing. Period. No fucking pianos to tinkle, no fucking David Cook "oooooooh he's a rocker!!" guitar bullshit, no bong hidden in Kermet's fucking dreads. That's what fucked everything up; all the contestants were relying on instruments and the band to make them sound good, and they got lazy. Probably 25% of the time they actually sang; the rest was quiet Lou Reed-esque talking without the rumors of having a gallon of jizz pumped from his stomach. That wasn't Lou? Well. It shoulda been. I mean for fuck's sake. I play in a band. Which is to say once every three years I get onstage and play the same four songs. And yes, between the loud disorted guitars and the roofies I've slipped to everyone in the "crowd" one would think hey, he can sing! But stand me in front of anybody in a room with no noise, and yeah I'll prolly sound as good as Freddy Mercury, but BARELY.

As much as this season has sucked due to stupid voting, the original premise is still great. Stand here, sing your heart out, move on or go home. It should still be that simple. I'm troubled with FOX's panicking cuz viewership is down, I can see them going voerboard with stupid shit nonsense changes that are only gonna drive more people away. Get the shit back to simple, and have real talent make it through to the final rounds instead of getting stck with the shit like we have this year. PERIOD!!!

1 comment:

  1. why you gotta drink the hate-o-rade!

    i heart david cook!

    but yeah, you can shoot the other kid.
