Thursday, May 08, 2008

For Fuck's Sake (Democratic Edition)

The hyperventilating over WHEN IS HILLARY DROPPING OUT, SHE'S GOTTA DROP OUT OF THE RACE!!!!!! nonsense has to stop. Yeah, she'll probably lose (prolly already has) but it's not like it's a blowout. She's not Mike Huckabee - while her presence may be slightly superfluous at this point, it's not silly. Besides, who would you imagine is doing most of the "she has to get out!" yelling? Obama voters. Of course they want her to drop out; every Sunday before softball I hope the team we're about to play gets eaten by wolves, making our win that much easier for me. Whoops, I meant us.

Also. If I hear one more mofo screeching that her staying in is 'DESTROYING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!" I will get mental on dude. Seriously. I know of no Hillary supporter that won't slide their support over to Obama once he officially becomes the nominee. I know of no Hillary supporter that'll say "Obama? NEVER!" and start painting yard signs for McCain. I'm sure some exist, but I doubt enuff to make a dent. If anything, I would think her staying in the race is propelling MORE people to come out in droves to support Obama, to make sure he gets the votes he needs to win. And certainly those people will be there for him in November. So camon. Get a grip. Enuff.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Normally the impetus for HRC's continued futile campaign would be to "influence the eventual winner's positions on issues." But that's not going to happen here - there is no difference in their positions. One is black, one is a woman. Both are extremely liberal Democrats. C'est la vie. Signed, Likely Your Only Republican Friend

  2. kinda my point; theyre not so disparate that anyone should be horrified at the thought of having to vote for the other. my one republican friend! :)
