Friday, May 16, 2008

I Give Up.

Only a complete fucking idiot could become president, arrange a war involving trillions of dollars based around his own family's business, and LOSE money. Unreal. Cap, doffed. Like Dolly Parton finding a way to lose a Titty Contest at a Brownies meeting.

"No no I insist, please, take'll pay me back when your Daddy kicks. Or whenever. Just please...get the fuck out."


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I think you have the whole war all wrong and spout typical cliched anti-Bush rhetoric with the audacity to believe it's a "novel and fresh perspective on the world," but this quote is genius - "Like Dolly Parton finding a way to lose a Titty Contest at a Brownies meeting." Love, Your Only Republican Friend
