Thursday, May 08, 2008

John, John, John...

Check this out if you didn't see it last night; scroll ahead to about the 5:35 mark where McCain annoucnes his VP choice: Dwight Schrute from The Office. Kinda funny. Kinda falls flat for McCain; as much as I dread him as president, he's usually funny. But whatever - check out that he has the name written down on a note card. Pulls it out, looks at it, says name. Now, I know that's part of the act, it's a "bit." But using a note card to remember a single name? Does McCain really need to give us another reminder of "oh that's right, he's 132 years old"?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    For a 132 year old, I still thinks he has twice the personality of Obama and twice the likeability of H.R. Clinton. Signed, Likely Your Only Republican Friend
