Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama 1, Me 0!

Obama beat me to it, but for weeks my mind had been burning re: a post on the absurdity of us launching ANOTHER war just because we think another country might know how to make nuclear weapons. Actually, my notes were thus:

"we're ready to go to war just because they KNOW HOW to make nukes? Russians had 30000!!! what a fucking joke."

Hmm. Not as extensive as I remembered.

Hey, I remember the Cold War. Yes, as a little kid I heard about the bomb like everybody else. But we also got on with our fucking lives. We didn't panic, throw away all of our civil liberties and devote every penny to crushing anyone that MIGHT harm us. And the whole time, thousands of missles were pointed directly at us. This, much like when Iraq started looking a whole lot like Vietnam, shocks me in how little we seem to be learning not only from history, but RECENT history. Incredible to me. This panic over oh my god, its the greatest threat ever!!!! bullshit is going to turn out to be the boy who cried wolf one day if we don't watch ourselves. Let's keep these "threats" in perspective please. To quote Al Gore from Assault on Reason:
The Founders of our country faced dire threats. If they failed in their endeavors, they would have been hanged as traitors. The very existence of our country was at risk. Yet in the teeth of those dangers, they insisted on establishing the freedoms that became the Bill of Rights. Are members of Congress today in more danger than were their predecessors when the British army marched on the Capitol?

Of course I will be called out as some sort of pussy cause I'm not interested in going around blowing up every country that doesn't succumb to our every whim. I for one do not subscribe to the What Would Charlie Daniels Do? foreign policy agenda.

Yes, there are people out there who would like to kill us. Guess what? Get over it. Grow up - we've become the whining, crybaby fuckhead babydick kid on the playground who runs crying to his mother cause some kid looks at him wrong. We're a nation of giddy, hysterical school-girls accusing people of being witches, a la Goody Bushe.

Ironically, the last 7 years or so of relentless fear-mongering by the administration have made me LESS scared than I could have possibly been before. You can only be told so many times about entire races of people desperately looking to SWARM over the country and destroy everyone in sight before thinking “well, where are they? if they so desperately wanted me dead because I have an iPod, well then they prolly woulda done it by now.” While I’m waiting for our inevitable slaughter, I wouldn’t mind having some health care/being able to buy gas/send my kid to college without selling my sperm etc (a conundrum...if I'm selling my sperm, where's the kid come from???!!! Next week on Nova!!!) Let the military that we love to cry over how brave and heroic they are do their jobs, and in the meantime let’s make sure we’re a country worth blowing up in the first place.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Oh Xmastime - Did Hunt for Red October teach you nothing? You can talk reason with a Russian - hell, a Russian doesn't take a dump without making a plan. Not the same with the Iranians. YORF!

  2. i love Stephen Baldwin!!!

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    He is forever my Celebrity Apprentice!
