Thursday, May 08, 2008

People Who Need to Seriously Think About Killing Themselves (my coffee table book)

Chapter One: Mike Lupica

Seriously, is there a more boring, same-old-shit writer than fucking Mike Lupica? for fuck's sake; EVERY fucking article is a smarmy, kick-them-when-they're down manifesto on Hillary Clinton. Rote, by the numbers attack in every article on her "entitlement" et al. None of which we heard about, of course, when she was his Senator. And when he's not doing this with Hilalry, he's doing it with Roger Clemens - I swear he just switches their names out twice a week and sends his column in. Each of them two big, bad bullies. Ooooh. Mike you get a ton of money, can you have ONE original thought maybe? Please? "Hmm, I'm Mike Lupica, who's down and out and needs me to spend my next 400 pages on them, piling on like the smarmy fuckhead that I am?" Mike, seriously, you need to wrap the Hillary and Roger shit up soon; otherwise how will you find the time to remind us 14 times a day that the Yankees are the highest-paying team in sports and that A-Rod is responsible for 9-11?


ps - oh yeah, and don't worry if you miss something he says on Sports Reporters on sunday morning. Just look it up in the Daily News, he just repeats his own shit word for word.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    it happens far to frequently without suggestion...bad coffee table books.
