Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Animal House

Eric Cantor has done it again; his freshest, newest idea is to "ambush" freshman Congressman, "to create embarrassing, YouTube-worthy moments for vulnerable Democratic freshmen." Well, some might claim that the idea isn't fresh at all, and that at one time it was known as "hazing." But coupled with Cantor's already piled up great ideas like cutting taxes on the rich, obstructing whatever President Obama wants done no matter what and reading Ayn Rand, we really have to give Cantor the benefit of the doubt and call it "governing." If Cantor gets these Congressman to sing their collegiate fight songs while wearing dresses, he might as well start picking out portraits to hang in the Oval Office, I would think.

The one thing that's sad? George Bush, the greatest frat boy of them all, isn't in office to enjoy it. Man, he'd have loved it. And that makes me sad :(

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