I don't think cinematically when I hear a song. But then, I don't kiss dudes either; the two seem the same to me. EXCEPT for REM's Belong - for some reason, whenever I hear that song I think geez, I can make a movie outta this. Especially after reading the Herschel Walker book, wherein he describes having such a bad stutter as a kid that he would offer kids nickels on the playground to be his friend. Heartbreaking. I feel I can make a connection between the two, and make a movie about it. Hell, there already IS some connection - they both came outta Georgia. We all wanna belong to something, even if we don't know what it is.
Belong - R.E.M
"The world collapsed on a Sunday." One of my favorite REM songs and underappreciated by far. LIke you said, a little movie runs through your head when you listen to it closely.