Friday, April 17, 2009

Breaking News: Afgans are Pussies

A la HERE:
A group of Afghan women who braved an enraged mob yesterday to protest against an “abhorrent” new Afghan law had to be rescued by police from a hail of stones and abuse.

The protest by about 200 women, unprecedented in recent Afghanistan history, was directed at the Shia Family Law passed last month by the Afghan parliament which appears to legalise marital rape and child marriage.

The rally, staged by mostly young women with their faces exposed, was a highly inflammatory act of defiance in a country as conservative as Afghanistan. It provoked a furious reaction from local men and a rapidly expanding mob threatened to swamp the demonstrators as they tried to approach the Afghan parliament.

Sorry, douchebags - when you’re brave enough to take to the streets to protect the wealthiest people among you from paying another 3% in taxes, then I’ll be impressed. This shit's for fags.

ps - I don’t see Ted Nugent playing at YOUR spontaneous demonstrations, do I? fucking sad jagoffs.

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