Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sex and the City

Just now, I somehow endured 10 minutes of the Sex and the City movie. Of course, by "endured 10 minutes" I mean "didn't notice what was on tv for 10 minutes."

On one hand, the last girl I was in love with, I met at a friend's apartment watching SATC. I have no idea why going to such an event appealed to me; I had never watched the show. But I did, and I fell in love - running home on air to breathlessly call Op and tell him I had found the love of my life.

Of course, that didn't pan out. But mostly, this gives me an excuse to find this clip below - me and RRTHUR (yes ladies, THAT Rrthur) watching the ending of the series finale of SATC on HBO back in 2004. Hey, those girls meant a lot to us, what can I say.

crying.mp3 - WWTA

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