Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Baggin'

Yesterday I wrote THIS:
They vote for them, they send them their own money; and now they're standing in the rain screaming for the wealthy to not be taxed so much. Seriously, how much time out of their day do these people mull over "what MORE can I do for rich people? How quickly can I make sure I flush my own life down the shitter so they can get another condo?"

You know who don't spend a lot of time at things like protests? Rich people. And why would they? As usual, fucking idiots who make a fraction of what they do are doing the heavy lifting for them. Brilliant.

After spending some time thinking how great it would be to have his balls in Michelle Malkin's mouth, Matt Taibbi writes it a little better:
It’s amazing, literally amazing to me, that it wasn’t until Obama pushed through a package containing a massive public works package and significant homeowner aid that conservatives took to the streets. In other words, it wasn’t until taxes turned into construction jobs and mortgage relief that working and middle-class Americans decided to protest. I didn’t see anyone on the street when we forked over billions of dollars to help JP Morgan Chase buy Bear Stearns. And I didn’t see anyone on the street when Hank Paulson forked over $45 more billion to help Bank of America buy Merrill Lynch, a company run at the time by one of the world’s biggest assholes, John Thain. Moreover I didn’t see any street protests when the government agreed to soak up hundreds of billions in “troubled assets” from Citigroup, a company that just months later would lend out a jet furnished with pillows upholstered with Hermes scarves to former chief Sandy Weill so that he could vacation in Mexico over Christmas...What’s hilarious about the teabaggers, though, is how they never squawk about waste until the spending actually has a chance of benefiting them.

Another great thing to me is that not only are these idiots walking around protesting against themselves without really understanding what they're talking about, but as I mentioned a few weeks ago HERE, such irrational, stupid over-the-top hate speech, fueled with racist signs, will only serve to HELP Obama in the end.
In other words, we NEED these jackoffs on the air every day, spewing nonsense that repels the average person who doesn't lean extremely hard one way or the other. I would say these talk show hosts are akin to the people that brought violence upon activists during the Civil Rights movement. Some black people trying to sit at a lunch counter or walk across a bridge in 1965 isn't really gonna move the average white person who hasn't really thought about such things in anything more than a curious, just trying to get through the day, onlooker kind of way. But if jagoff lunatics start showing up and breaking eggs on heads or releasing dogs on black kids while swinging baseball bats, that white person might think "whoa whoa, that's too much...I'm can't be down with that." As awful as it was, the movement NEEDED this opposition of violence, and the bat-swinging racists et al played their part perfectly in prying loose the indifference of millions of onlookers. And that's what there is to gain from letting idiots like Rush and Seanzarelli et al spew their nonsense publicly every day. So keep it up douchebags!

Anybody not already drinking the tea-flavored Kool-Aid will most likely look at the footage on their tvs and think "hmm...these people look like assholes," therein putting a better light on Obama. I guess these "protesters" didn't think that one through either.

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