Monday, April 20, 2009

Too Good to Be True

As much as I would disagree with you, I can at least listen to a rational argument against gay marriage. But when you roll out two of the most famous philanders in recent history with a combined 6 divorces between them (Gingrich and Rudy), you cannot honestly ask me to take it seriously.

But the thing is, someone from the right will read this and bitch "dammit Xmastime!..." blah blah blah; claiming that I'm "nitpicking" and "angry." But the very Republican who might think that should be the one that's furious that the reins of his party are being taken by these two in such a publicized way on this very issue. It doesn't matter to me - it makes the right look even dumber than before, AND makes my point at the same time. I can just sit back and laugh. But I've said it over and over on these pages; at some point the GOP is gonna hafta get together in one room and ask "is there ANYBODY here that can come out with something and not make us look like complete buffoons?" Surely these people exist. But here they go again, clapping along merrily while more failed GOP vets go sprinting to the tv cameras to make their party look as asinine as possible. Incredible.

Oh yeah, and Rudy promising to spend every second of every day as governor making sure fags can't get married is such a tantalizing promise, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. The GOP contempt for the average person is based on their belief that the public won't make the distinction you make re Rudy and Newt.

    (And that it's OK if and when a questionable act is committed by a conservative.)

    Just like they don't think the voters will figure out that red states have a higher divorce rate than blue states; that blue states pay more and receive less for their taxes than red states; that a treasonous asshole like Oliver North questioning the patriotism of ANYONE is ludicrous, to say the least. Etc etc etc etc etc.
