Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Would Jesus Torture?

Sully mentions a double standard pointed out by Kevin Drum:
Kevin Drum notes a political double standard. And when the Republicans impeached a president for committing perjury in a civil suit, it was about the rule of law. But when it comes to holding a president accountable for war crimes in his public capacity, it is about criminalizing political differences. Do these people even hear themselves?

My guess would be that Republicans don't consider this a double standard cause Jesus may have been tortured in his life, but never got an inappropriate blowjob.


  1. The Gnat4:20 PM

    Just like Cheney and Rove keep gettin press, Xmas keeps whining about war crimes and torture. Let it go. Can't you tell BO has the whole world floating on moonbeams? My problems have certainly all ended since Feb. 20. I want for nothing and fear for even less - why relive the Bush years? Sarcasm by YORF

  2. what happened Feb 20? is Obama so amazing we've inaugaurated him twice????

  3. The Republicans don't see the hypocrisy 'cause according to their delusions, they are ALWAYS on the side of righteousness.

    I love how they sarcastically, but inaccurately, use the whole "Obama is the new savior" meme when in fact, those of us who voted for him are relieved he replaced a law-breaking assbag w/dictatorial aspirations, but aren't exactly drinking the kool aid, openly airing issues we have w/some of the new POTUS' decisions.

    Maybe the Gnat was out drinking to my health that day: Feb 2O is my b'day.

  4. awww, lookit me. bringin folks together!!! :)
