Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Belt Buckles

Santelli unwittingly has affirmed what I've believed all along about these tea parties - once again, the lower and middle class are going to bat for the rich.

They vote for them, they send them their own money; and now they're standing in the rain screaming for the wealthy to not be taxed so much. Seriously, how much time out of their day do these people mull over "what MORE can I do for rich people? How quickly can I make sure I flush my own life down the shitter so they can get another condo?"

You know who don't spend a lot of time at things like protests? Rich people. And why would they? As usual, fucking idiots who make a fraction of what they do are doing the heavy lifting for them. Brilliant. - XMASTIME

QUESTION: Wouldn’t that drive private insurance out of business? - question to Obama yesterday.

Once again, the absurdity of normal, working class people wringing their hands over the possibility of Goliath not having crushing, unfettered control over them amazes me. This is like a Royals fan being upset that teams other than the Yankees are allowed to have players that can hit a baseball. And someone still has to explain to me how Republicans can reconcile their love affair with open markets/competition and their claims to be champions of small business (as in crying during every campaign that small businesses are run outta business by health insurance costs) with their outrage over a public option that would encourage competition and help small businesses. Hmm. I'm guessing that much like the AMAZING!!! fair, non-beaurocratic, extremely un-costly healthcare anecdotes I'm still waiting to hear, this answer will not materialize.

Of course, if you're still upset about a healthcare system that is actually affordable and forces insurance companies to actually have to provide service for the money you're already paying, all while curtailing the destruction the current healthcare system is doing to the economy, then there is relief for you in the knowledge that you're in exact lockstep with Charlie Daniels. Which yeah, makes you an idiot, but a colorful one at least with a helluva belt buckle collection.

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