Thursday, June 18, 2009


Brothatime!!!'s Top 10 pitches of Jimmy, a guy we played baseball with in high school who fancied himself a pitcher with a plethora of weapons at his disposal; all of which sucked:

Lucky for you gents, I've been going through the old memory banks about Jimmy's collection of pitches, here's my top 10:

10. Curveball – Go to, clutch pitch; batters struggled with a .764 average against this one

9. Wild Pitch – Minimal damage, never had enough velocity to make it to the backstop

8. Speed Limit – Never broke 55 mph

7. Speed Limit, Residential – Never broke 25 mph

6. Earthquake – So called because outfield fences in the NND are STILL shaking from the results of this one

5. Fastball – See #8 above

4. Radio Ball – So called because Jimmy misunderstood GC’s definition. This was a ball the fielders could hear but not see flying past them.

3. Slop ball – Never clear to me what distinguished this from the rest of them, allegedly an “out pitch”

2. The Equalizer – Made all hitters equal – to Barry Bonds

1. Three Run Triple – Come on, you knew it was coming…

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