Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gay Hero Update

I've mentioned my Gay Office Hero several times, including this little gem:
My favorite gay guy in the world just skipped through the office, gleefully telling anyone who would listen that a gay bar just opened across the street from his house, and he's cut down the trees in his front yard. Sigh.
And just now he’s performed an 11-minute dance medley of Michael Jackson’s hits; the last 9 1/2 minutes of which he was completely out of breath. Was killing us. And then, because he’s a hero and that’s what heroes do, he informs us that over the weekend he went to a wedding reception in Tribeca...dressed as Michael Jackson. A wedding at which all the guests were from Indiana. Sigh. Just when you think you can't be any more in awe of somebody, they kick it up a notch.

1 comment:

  1. he was skipping, you say? in the office? really? YOU TUBE.

