Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I wrote about the show last year HERE but haven't really seen it since, but caught an episode last night. The episode was about some dude who has lost his wife, kid, job and soon house to drinking. The first thing that cracks me up is here's a guy who's had a camera crew follow him around for a coupla weeks to film himself and his friends talk about what a drunk he is, but then of course he's completely surprised/caught off guard when he's confronted with an intervention. The second thing that cracked me up is when 5 minutes into his own intervention he cracks open a bottle of beer. Awesome.

One thing I have picked up while surfing is that every intervention goes the exact same: dude gets confronted, fights against any help, the group fights and fights til he agrees to go to help.

"You need help! You need treatment!"
"No I don't! I'm outta here!"
"You're staying! We're fighting for you!! If we hafta knock you out to get you on that plane we will!!"

Whereas I would picture my own intervention like this:

"You need help! You need treatment!"
"No I don't! I'm outta here!"
"Hey, we gave it a shot. Who's up for Arby's?""


1 comment:

  1. The Gnat9:44 AM

    What a desperate cry for help! Please, please, someone, anyone, step in and - put this guy on TV.
