Sunday, June 14, 2009


I don't know what's going on in Iran any more than a squirrel who's in the midst of a menage-a-moi session. But I do see things like fraud in elections being exposed, youths twittering for democracy and the streets filled with THIS GUY. It looks like there's a lot of people DEMANDING their vote actually count this time, that they are actually heard. Which is how ACTUAL democracies take form. Not pretend ones.

Of course, all this could be whisked away by the time I even hit PUBLISH POST. We can dance around "freedom! democracy!!" blah blah blah and by Monday nothing's changed, and the guy in the picture is dead. Who knows. More than likely, I would suppose.

But how funny would it be to watch Iran actually become the REAL, organic democracy in the Middle East we claim we want to see over there, while Iraq crumbles under the weight of us being over there trying to shove it down throats, clogging up their streets talking about how AMAZING!! the US is while the place burns down? Bit ironic, n'est-pas?

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