Monday, June 22, 2009

King Bloggah's Beatdown Update

I have decided to take over the whole blog universe (Blogiverse -write it down, bitches!!) and become the King of this whole damn thing. Instead of doing it the nice way with pithy observations, childhood anecdotes and being the best writer online, I'm doing it the old-fashioned way: taking it to the streets. That's right, I'm going thorugh each and every blogger there is and beating the shit out of them, and I'm not stopping til I got my boot heel on the last blogger's fucking neck and I am declared King Bloggah. And my first randomly chosen beatdown is this guy:


I have no idea what "Ryan" is running from; he's gonna hafta run a lot farther to get away from my beating the living shit out of him. So I am issuing a public challenge for this shithead to meet me at a randomly chosen address...I'll say 38 Tillary Street here in 8:00am tomorrow morning. That's right bitch, I'm giving you one final night to post your stupid shit about "look at me, I can run!! Weeeeeeeee, I'm prancing through a meadow!!" Hey asshole - a refrigerator runs, but I don't see it clogging up my fucking internet with it's gay fucking musings. So be there 8am tomorrow.

Q: What's black and blue and runs?

A: Ryan from Ryan Runs Europe tomorrow morning at 8:01am!!!!

KING BLOGGAH (hollah!)

On Deck: Design and Print. Rest up, you fuggin douche!!!!!

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