Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Knicks

When I moved here in 1998 I had no money, no job, and at was January 1, aka freezing. I'd pound the pavement all day long, freezing on the sidewalks while penniless, begging for jobs that didn't exist, wondering every second if I had a made a huge mistake and would be a starving homeless dude soon; one of the millions of loser hicks who couldn't cut it in the big city. At night I'd come home, which at the time was GodIHateYourBasketball's apt. GIHYB was a HUGE Knicks fan, so every night I'd come home completely spent/barely a drop of hope left and slide into the couch; GIHYB on the chair next to me. Me, thinking there's no way my day could get any worse. And I'd look at the tv, and it'd be the Knicks. And I'd stare hard at the tv and think oooooooooohhmygod...I hafta watch the Knicks now???!?! CAN fucking get worse today!!!!

So I disagree with Matt Yglesias HERE; the 1990s Knicks WERE unwatchable!!! That plodding, oh let's wait for Patrick to come down the floor, let someone back someone else in, dribbling for 20 seconds, oh look, we're gonna mug somebody for no apparent reason style of play. Fucking hell.

1 comment:

  1. i would drive a bus over the '98 yanks, jesus, the beatles, and the accountant who hands me my paycheck for the mid-90s knicks
