Monday, June 01, 2009

Look for Shannon to Be Fingerblasting Tonight

Op and I rarely if ever cross streams when it comes to the ladies. Good news for Op, one might say. Of course, yall know me - I'm a hit her, quit her, let the next man get her kinda guy. And you damn for sure know that I don't slow my roll. What the fuck am I talking about?

Oh yeah - one of Op's lady friends has always been Shannon Doherty. Who has never done anything for me. But I notice that there was a small window in the 4th-ish season when my interest in her as a paramour might be raised; culminating in the (barely watchable) episode where Brenda fantasizes she's in the 60's thanks to some dopey diary she's found.

Anyways. Looks like I'm putting Ms. Doherty on my to-do list. Op, don't worry, I'll take pics.

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