Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Meghan McCain

For some reason I have a soft-on for Meghan McCain. I don't really know why...oh yeah, cause she's only 10lbs over "hot." Hiyooo!!!

But like I said HERE...she needs to accept the fact that she's probably a Democrat; a move which I guess can only happen after Grandpa finally fucking dies.

Now, she caught a lot of shit for her smackdown from Paul Begala HERE. I don't mind that - she showed up as a Republican, stood in there, good for her. When I was her age I got fooled into thinking Crisco was Cisco. So. A professional political operative got off a good line on her, that's the way it goes sometimes.


She CANNOT come on a show and, when pushed into a corner, try to solve things with "ooooh, I'm just a blonde!!" like she does in this video. Just like whenever the heat gets turned on Jon Stewart falls back on "we follow sock puppets!!", it's disingenuous and intellectually vacant. You can do batter than that. I hope so, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. re: Jon Stewart

    Actually, what is really "disingenuous and intellectually vacant" is holding a comedy show to the same standards as serious news programs.
