Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh I'm Sorry, is It January 19, 2009?

Via Sully:
It is not Obama's debt - or, rather, he owns about 10 percent of it. It's Bush's. And like everything Bush did, he left the wreckage for others to handle after he left the stage. And the bribing, war-making, spending and borrowing didn't even win him any durable popularity. They sold this country, its reputation and its treasure for a one-off re-election.

I'd sure like to take this back to my hometown; man we'd have some fucking laughs over this dumb shit. Um....exCUUUUse me genius, can the debt belong to Bush when Obama is president??!?!?!?!!! That's rich!!! We'd slap each other five, then laugh about Obama wanting to be France, then we'd spend hours desperately trying to help and defend outrageously wealthy criminals who wouldn't cross the street to spit on us, and then we'd shoot up the place with our guns. Hey, unlike B. Hussein Obama, George Bush LOVES AMERICA!! why would he put us in such debt?? It makes, say it with me, NO SENSE. That's some funny shit. I mean, that's funny shit right there. Then we'd make some fag jokes, cause Andrew Sullivan is a fag. Then we'd trade 600-lb wives every coupla years. Oh, man we'd have some fun with these idiots. All that book-learnin' and they're so dumb. Man. (Still laughing)

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