Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh Shit Here It Is!!!

Glenn has figured out Obama's bullshit for us!!!! We don't hafta even think about it anymore, Glenn's on it!!!!!! In a nutshell, here is how Obama is hoping to destroy America!!!!!!

Glenn says he is using the scientific method, so that's that. So that is, ta-DA!! checkmate!!

dear socialist fuckstick,

i am well awear of the fact that liberals are immune to logic and reason, but allow me to try to prove to you that you are communist scum thrugh something called the scientific method:

1 a) FACT: you suck obamas cock every chance youget. you defend everythign he does and says and you are nothing more than an apologist. this makes you complicit in obamas actions.

1 b) FACT: obama is a well known socialist. this is evident his policies and his love of SELFDESCRIBED COMMUNISTS LIKE BILL AYERS!!!! so dont thinkthat he can hide his true nature for much longer. he will eventully be exposed and impeached. SOCIALISM CANNOT WORK OR RUSSIA WOULD STILL EXIST AND THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE LOST THE COLD WAR TO REAGAN!!! retard.

1 c) you are thusly a pro forma socialist; whether you like it or not. logic dictates this.

(2) FACT: you, sir, are a illegal immigrant. i dont give two shits whether you are an american citizen or not: you came here on taxpayer expense and you continue to drain our limited resources. you should be ashamed and go back to guatemala or whatever fucking middleeastern asshole you came from and try to sell yor leftwing bullshit there.

(3) FACT: you are also OBJECTIVELY ANTIAMERICAN!!!!!!!! dont even try to deny this for there is ample prof: in 2004 you openly supported the murder of four brave american soldiers in falluja. you tryed to weasel out of your responsiblity, but you cant hide the fact that you hate america and american soldiers and you love al queda and other muslim terrorists who have killed THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS!!!! and will never stop unless they are killed. and whose going to kill them? you? LOL you dont even own a gun because you leftofascists want to repel the second amendent.

(4) FACT: it is clear that you are a socialist illegal immigrant america hater. there is prima facies proof as above. and if logic and science says you are scum then you are scum (remember global warming? no proof, just science and that makes it true for you liberals) no matter what you think. however, i dont think you are a homo, just a homo enabler.

this doesnt mean that we cant have common ground. if you stop publishing antiamerican communist screeds, then i will stop hating you. fair?

sincerely yours



  1. This post could have been followed with the sound of a toilet flushing.
    Can you do that?

    Here's something for your thinking end to mull over:

  2. hey Rot! At least you're not gay!

  3. Gina,

    While the "African Colonial" label is interesting, the beef ends up being with the amalgam of Western Thought that is the American body politic. If Igenka really believes that Obama should embrace some "idigenous ideas" then he would either strive to turn the US into an broken tribal dictatorship like Mugabe, or he would look towards Washington's xenophoic isolationism.
    The fact is, there are no indigenous ideals. Obama represents the best qualities of the American melting pot and the most vexing contradictions.
    For first-generatio born African-American to hope for regressive provincialism from any president seems silly. We are a country born of progressive Western thought. The tree of thought is balance by ideas on the left and right and I doubt Obama would apologize for beign a branch on that tree.

  4. First of all, people who are saying that Obama is a socialist should please examine this pie chart first.

    Secondly, this article offers (via ridiculously unfounded conjecture) examples of how Obama is a socialist because of all the horrible things he is supposedly doing (convincing people that cultural identity is bad, using the media to imply that those who dont support him are barbaric, etc), but HOLD UP! Dont be fooled by Obama's socialism, because:

    "the ACP uses socialist themes as a way to disguise his true ambitions: a complete power grab whereby the "will of the people" becomes completely irrelevant."

    So according to this article, even though Obama is showing all the signs (!) of being a socialist, he actually is not a socialist, he's just a greedy despot!

    Now FTR, I have very, very serious issues with how the Obama presidency is going so far, and to say I am disappointed would be an understatement. But this article is just disdain mixed with paranoia.
