Monday, June 22, 2009

People are Funny, II

It’s worth keeping in mind that the people trying to loudly position themselves as the Iranian people’s greatest friends are the exact same people who wanted to drop bombs on Iranians just a couple of weeks ago.

A red-headed step-child cousin comment to my own:
It's amusing to me that it always seems to be the very people that want neighboring states to be as different from each other as they wanna be with as little meddling from the Federal Government as possible that are the same people that are frustrated that we can't badger nations on the other side of the planet to be exactly like us. Cracks me up.


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    That's funny because the NY Times reported that Democrats were also concerned about the president's position and that Congress had took a "firmer tone."

    When did Yglesia become the final say on every subject? He's just as predictable in his defense of everything Obama does as Limbaugh and Hannity were for Bush.

  2. that doesn't mean he's wrong any more than it means he's right.
