Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford II

Other than the usual eye-rolling re: GOP hypocrisy, I could give two shits if Sanford was fucking some broad in Argentina. But it's beyond telling that he wasn't busted and outed by someone else - his conspicuous, attention-grabbing disappearance coupled with him being gone ON FATHER'S DAY tells us this was political suicide, not homicide. Sanford looked down the barrel of running for prez in 2012 and said "get me the fuck out of this shit."

One thing that is becoming clearer is that these governors labeled by the GOP as "hot picks" for 2012 are complete disasters. Jindal, Palin, Sanford should be considered already toasted and swept under the rug, hopefully for the GOP long forgotten by campaign time. I look forward to hearing Pawlenty's "I saw a UFO" confession next.

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