Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Titties, Editing

I do not like to edit my posts once they've been up, save glaring grammatical/spelling errors. I feel that in the spirit of the suddenness of blogging, it's more pure somehow if I do not edit; I also feel like if somebody spots that I've changed something, they'll think less of the post. Of course now that I'm thinking about it, I guess a bigger problem would be thinking that people actually study these posts enough to be able to tell when I've changed them. Hmm.

But sometimes something will nag at me throughout the rest of the day - a few minutes after posting maybe I thought of a line or bit that would make it a lot funnier, but I do not let myself change it. But it will nag the fuck out of me for hours. For instance, with THIS POST earlier today. Yeah, you get the point with "My dick just Facebooked these titties.." But I feel like "My dick just Facebooked Katie Price" would've been funnier. And better. And it's driven me nuts, but now I've kinda changed it, all under the guise of explaining how I don't change things. Shew. I can sleep tonight. Anyway, here's some more titties for sitting through all this:

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