Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

I can't wait for next year's Sitting In Your Bedroom Listening to Records Hero.

Mix Tape Hero?

How about Noticing that Every Song on the Radio Reminds You of the Girl That Just Dumped You Hero?

Fucking christ.

UPDATE: as per his comment here, GodIHateYourBand would like to take credit for this post, since the other day in the car he said "did you know there's such a thing as DJ Hero now?" Obviously that means he pretty much wrote the post, as every minute since then I've spent with my eyes closed and earmuffs on and haven't seen the fucking commercial for this 700000 times already during the World Series.  So thank you GIHYB for taking time out from not posting anything new or entertaining on either of your own two blogs and allowing me to stand on the shoulders of giant. You're amazing.


  1. All snark aside, what exactly is the point of DJ Hero? Jeez.

  2. The Gnat7:57 PM

    Now, kids can learn to not play the actual mixing board that non-musicians use to not play instruments to songs written by actual musicians. Sad.
