Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

Some dude via Sully opines that Sarah Palin should wait til 2016 for her inevitable run for president.
[A] strategic politician seeking the Oval Office should, all else equal, wait until she is not running against an incumbent president enjoying the many advantages incumbency provides, from access to the bully pulpit to control over the levers of government. History says the odds are better if you wait.
Of course, there's now way in hell this is going to happen. Sully is correct in asking "Since when has Palin ever been a "strategic politician"? Since when has she even acted rationally?"

First of all, for her to run 6-7 years from now would mean that the flimsy, hot-topic emotional stuff that has propped up the GOP for years would still hafta be their key talking points, and I would think that by then Republicans will have figured out that by insisting on being the party of the willfully ignorant and pro-stupid they will never rise above the 26% base that will always vote for George Bush no matter what. This means they would have to move towards a platform of actual substance and policy-making initiatives, which would obviously eliminate Palin from any serious consideration right off the bat. Also by then the whole "I'm a maverick!!!!" routine might've worn thin by then after having watched her sprint from tv show to tv show hawking her books/clothing line/palin-wa-balls for almost a decade.

Which is okay by her anyway - Palin may be an idiot, but she's smart enough to know that she doesn't wanna BE president, she just wants to RUN for president - governing is for suckers; keeping a constant campaign against the "bogeyman" is what piles up the benjamins. She knows fighting "big bad Obama!!!" while he still reigns supreme at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will have her histrionics at fever pitch, not debates at Long John Silver's in Fuckface, Iowa with Tom Tancredo. Or whoever that guy was. Waiting til Obama's out of the picture gives her a greater chance of winning, which she isn't really interested in doing as it would be the death knell for her personal empire. What is it Leo Durocher once said? "Nice guys finish last, stupid women who are just hot enough to keep some old dicks hard finish third or fourth, ie just enough to sell some movie rights"? Yes? Close?

Finally, let's face it, the reason they're still lady gaga over her is because SHE'S FUCKING HOT. Sorry, but I don't remember Rich Lowry getting starbursts in his tighty-whities over George Bush. In 2012 Palin will be in her last gasps of actual hotness, but 2016? By then she'll have slipped from "hot!" to "hot for a 52 year-old grandmother," which doesn't really get the fellas buzzing like they have been on tv, trying to get her attention by pretending they think she has any concept of anything even remotely associated with governing or politics.

But fret not - during the 2016 campaign, Elisabeth Hasselbeck will only be 39 - even younger than Palin NOW!!  So if old white men wanna talk about abortion all day while jacking off to someone, she might be the one.

Hey, she even does moose imitations, how perfect is that?!?!?

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