Thursday, October 29, 2009

The World Series

I'd like to be cool, but being down 0-1 sucks. That said, there's only one team in all of baseball that wouldn't love to be in the Yankees' shoes right now, so camon. Winning four out of six games isn't impossible.

I also don't give a shit about Pedro pitching, one way or the other. He doesn't scare me like he would've 5-6 years ago; I expect him to throw 6-7 good innings, give up one or two runs and then hopefully we can attack their bullpen. 1-1, then win one in Philly and come back to The Stadium. See? I got it all planned out. I'm fine.

UPDATE, 10:32pm: laughing at Yankee fans booing him as he walks off the mound. Tuff not to like Pedro.


  1. Easiest thing in the world for me to hate that scumbag.

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Easy to hate Yankee fans.
