Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yet Another Thing That's Wrong with Fucking Professional Sports

Joe Buck just pointed out that as the Pedro "Who's Your Daddy!" chant was about to crest throughout the Stadium, the fucking PA speakers cut in with some fucking blaring Jay-Z music, drowning out the chant, which led to it trailing off. Thanks for nullifying what could be a tiny home-field advantage, you fucking jackoffs.

It's shocking now to flip to an NBA game on ESPN classic from the 80's and see how effective the CROWD was (particularly in Boston Garden) in pushing the home team when it needed it, buoying them not only with their energy and loudness, but their INTELLIGENCE and knowledge of the game and what was happening at that moment. Of course the NBA decided to negate that by filling every single second with jet engine-loud music cranked to the max. And now MLB seems to want to go in that direction as well, which fucking sucks, as I first bitched about back in 2006:
1) I went to Yankee Stadium the other night with Rrthur (yes ladies, THAT Rrthur). Is there anything better than going to a baseball game? Nyet. The food, the open air, the bright colors of the field, everything's perfect. EXCEPT. What the fuck is up with the between-innings ROARING sound system - I wanna kick back, relax, talk to my buddy while the teams switch on the field and I'm barraged with this sound system that is apparently powered by jet engines. Are they scared that if there's not constant action on the field, I'll leave? christ. IT'S BASEBALL - nothing EVER happens on the field!!!!! And then during big moments I've got the scoreboard screaming at me to get up and MAKE SOME NOISE!! GET EXCITED!!!!!! Jesus. Dude, I'm fucking excited already; Im at the damn game! I know the bases are loaded and Jeter's up, I'm not fucking reading "The Bridges of Madison County" in the goddam stands. I know you're trying to distract me from the fact that I just paid $9 for a fucking hot dog, but ... READ MORE

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