Thursday, November 05, 2009

The 2009 New York Yankees


  1. Marley3:30 PM


    By the way, previously, you wrote: "A few months from now when we all remember gee, governors don't enact a lot of public policy and/or matter, perhaps someone will point out that the GOP basically put in place a Democrat in a district that has been Republican since US Grant."

    Check this out --'s_23rd_congressional_district

    I didn't know Grant served over 26 terms

  2. "from the region," "parts of the region" etc etc i guess i should have put "basically" later in the sentence. congratulations, lets see what youve won!!

    I will not spoil my beloved Yankees post with your rabid political tea-bagging!!!!!!

  3. Marley3:54 PM

    District, region . . .

    1) You need to stop swallowing your talking points before chewing.

    2) Your point is valid, but your prior point ("pay no attention to these meaningless losses in WHOLE STATES but look over here at this HUGE DISASTER in a district held by the GOP since Methusaleh") was pure, Robert Gibbs, who is paid to stay stupid shit. You need to refrain from doing it for free.

    3) You're stance is awful. You look like you're going to fend of an attack from a chimpanzee.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    More Marley vs. Xmastime!

  5. 1) you got it!

    2) i dont think i insinuated it was a "disaster," but do i think a Congressional seat picked up means a little more in the grand scheme of things than governors? sure i do. its not gonna change the world, but it's a nice pickup and could actually help pass Obama's agenda. would i have preferred to win those governor races? of course. but i dont really think these governors have a big impact on how legislation is passed in dc, nor do i think them being voted in was a "fuck you!!" to Obama. please. you know all this better than myself. (to be read as sam elliot to swayze in the "you taught me as much as I ever taught you" punching bag scene in road house)

    3) thats not my stance. thats just how i stand.

  6. when i ask "would i have preferred to win the gov races?" I mean id rather have won them than lost them, not that id rather win them than win the Congressional seat.

  7. having to amend my comment takes the steam out of my stance joke :(

  8. sorry Anonymous, but as Marley says, we do this for America, not you.

  9. unless youre a hot chick.

  10. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Sorry, Xmas, the last time I checked I still had a dick.

  11. sigh. that makes me sad :(
