Friday, November 13, 2009


Wonk Room aujourd'hui:
Of course Steele doesn’t know why “this policy existed in the past” for the same reason why Focus on the Family, one of the nation’s largest religious right organizations, didn’t know that it paid premiums to an insurance company that also offered abortion coverage: they don’t care. They’re using ‘abortion’ to manufacturing outrage, derail health reform and energize the pro-life base.
Me in a comment yesterday:
so these "conservatives" who claim to not want ACTUAL GOVERNMENT in their lives will have no problem accepting the Catholic Church (whether they themselves are Catholic or not) sponsorship on what just "happens" to be THE hot-button issue in recent political elections that is sure to mobilize the abortion monkeys if it means killing the healthcare bill in the name of "less government." Perfect.
Quit letting yourself be blindly led around by the nose by an issue the GOP itself doesn't really give a shit about. You wanna fight abortion, fight abortion. But quit letting it be used like a shiny new toy to distract a baby with. You look like a fool.

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