Thursday, November 12, 2009


The hierarchy's growing fusion with fundamentalist Republican politics is becoming harder and harder to ignore. They can turn a blind eye to state-sanctioned torture, and to the suffering of those without healthcare, but when it comes to ensuring that gay couples are kept stigmatized or that non-Catholic women can't have access to abortion in a secular society, they come alive. There are times when it appears the only real issue for the Catholic church is abortion.
Well, obviously helping the least among us isn't something Christ might've been concerned with as much as he would be obsessed with abortion.

Even while a lapsed Catholic, I always felt the Catholic Church was above such things as whatever Fox News may be screaming about on any particular day. Now it's turning into the Christian Fundamentalists of 4-8 years ago. Even as a lapsed Catholic who long ago decided the Church was pretty full of shit this is, in a word, embarrassing.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Wait a minute. The primary function of the Christian "church", Catholic or otherwise IS helping 'the least'. Jesus' proclamation of "whatsoever you do to the least of my childen" did not specify whether or our of the womb, but it stands to reason that He would have included the tiniest living human in that catagory of 'the least'. Government just HAD to get involved taking care of EVERYTHING for everyone and thanks to feminists and fellow men who liked the idea, abortion takes the LIFE of the LEAST and we get to PAY for it.

    Catholic Church and it's Charities promoting Respect for LIFE across the board. They seek to heal people and care for the least. Yes, they have fallen short in many area's but the fact that they are out there offering support to the poor and needy and taking a stand on a dead serious issue is something you ought to be proud of. Dang it.

  2. so these "conservatives" who claim to not want ACTUAL GOVERNMENT in their lives will have no problem accepting the Catholic Church (whether they themselves are Catholic or not) sponsorship on what just "happens" to be THE hot-button issue in recent political elections that is sure to mobilize the abortion monkeys if it means killing the healthcare bill in the name of "less government." Perfect.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    i''ve got my own problems with the Catlick choich but DePope's stance on abortion ain't one of em. The hot button issue ...which one? So many hot buttons. The monkeys are gonna fly as long as Abortion is legal. Kill Elective Abortions, not the monkeys. Get this. the HC bill is not about saving babies. They are trying to sell it to the right wingers..."lookee here, we'll actually STOP funding your baby killers...see we ain't all that bad."

    The HC bill is about Government taking over of insurance for everyone. EVERYONE.Not just the LEAST who need a hand up. They can and should provide fo a 'saftey net' for the poor and unemployed but for EVERYONE? Hows that sound?Dude. It's your freedom 'to choose'. Ah...just wait.

  4. so youre annoyed the governments net may be too big. but you dont mind a religion poking its nose into things vis-a-vis actual legislation. like the christian fundamentalists did for all those years, or the Mormons have recently. fascinating.
