Wednesday, November 18, 2009


MARLEY has demanded I apologize for erring re: etiquette when meeting A Japanese bigwig.

Marls: I was wrong.

Hey, I understand Marley's desperate need to "get me!" by latching onto a technicality, completely missing the whole point of the post, but he did, and I'm taking responsibility. No, Obama didn't HAVE to bow to the dude.  And I guess since he did, as John McCain is wont to say, "we're all pussies now." Boy. That makes me sad  :(


  1. Marley10:35 PM

    A- for the effort.

    F for the petulance and the inability to grasp that when you make up facts to fit your thesis, you then can't whine that someone missed your point.

    I got your point. The bow was and is not a big deal to you. Shocker.

    But even the most mundane of points suffers when, in aid of your point, you also state that in Japan, it is customary for black men with large ears to bow to the Emperor.

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Nor is it a "technicality."

    You may have a position on whether the President should bow to foreign royalty, but you shouldn't make up that etiquette dictates the act when, in fact, it doesn't.

    If I stated that a man shot his mother in self-defense, but added that she was attacking him with a Cusinart at the a time, and I just made up the Cuisinart part, I couldn't very well say "Well, the Cuisinart attack is just a technicality."

    By the way, is anyone reading this but us? Is this a public blog?

  3. Marley10:43 PM

    Finally, are we all pussies now? I don't think the bow to the Emperor cements that. But it is kind of peculiar, and for some reason, he just kind of does it.

    I'm curious if after he does it, he says, "Shit, why do I keep doing that????!!!!"

  4. Marley10:45 PM

    And wouldn't it do this struggling President (who, I believe, suffers from being viewed as distant and a little too image conscious) if he took a question on it in a press conference and said, "Damn, Bill. I tell you, I just don't know what comes over me. It's the strangest thing."

    Instead, his folks deny it and/or cook up a new "Diplomacy Initiative" as its cover.

    It does him no favors.

  5. Marley10:48 PM

    And I have no need to "get you."

    I view you not as an adversary, but as the son of a good friend who got involved in the wrong cult, and I'm assisting my good friend in your de-programming at his cabin in the Adirondacks.

  6. oh, its public.

    did you at least like the photoshop job? Theodore's head?

    by lasering in, hyper-focusing on such a small part of the original post, can i assume you think the actual meaning of the post is brilliant? would you give it an A, an A+, or A++? or would you rather wait for them to come up with a high enough grade? are you...are you standing up right now and applauding? im touched!!!!!

  7. Marley10:57 PM

    No, the meaning is another one of your weird, ostentiously iconoclastic mixes. You rarely address anything of import save into a predetermined direction.

    He bowed. Yea or nay? Good or bad? Meaning or none? Silence.

    Trying KSM criminally in NYC as opposed to before a military tribunal in Guantanamo. yea or nay? Good or bad? Nada.

    But mix one with the other to make a severly strained point that we fear weakness in gesture overseas but appear truly weak because we fear a criminal trial in NYC or something like that . . .

    You're the man for that job!!!

  8. see, you DO get it!

    thank god. was worried Sistatime! had broken into your account and was typing all of that.
