Thursday, November 19, 2009


This dude HERE:
Nearly every Republican these days calls for tax cuts and lower deficits, and in the same sentence. Point out that these goals clash -- that taxes pay for government and not paying for government causes deficits, and the Republican counters, "We must shrink government, instead."

Sure. And you're just the boys to do it.

There hasn't been a balanced budget since the last Democratic administration. During the George W. Bush years of mindless tax-cutting, the national debt doubled, and GOP claims to fiscal rectitude became a bizarre joke. 

Welcome to the world of grownups, where tax cuts don't magically pay for themselves -- and where middle-class people must pay more for middle-class benefits. When it comes to addressing deficits, Democrats may be lax adolescents, but Republicans are total babies.
I've chastised these idiots many times, usually in a clever, probably-sexy way, about their refusing to grow up, be adults, and insist their taxes be put to better use, like




You'd think it would be a joke by now, but the knee-jerk "cut taxes!!" is still the only thing the GOP has come up with so far. Sarah Palin could barely let Babawawa finish the question before she barged in with the robo-tronic "we need to cut taxes to solve all our problems!!!", and while it would be nice to roll the eyes at Palin's stupidity re: this "solution" since it's partly responsible for why we're in such shit in the first lace, you could almost hear the millions of Charlie Browns once again sprinting head-first towards the football she was placing, "laces FORWARD!!" Was that the quote from Ace Ventura? Or was it "laces UP!" Grrr.

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